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Stop the suffering

Our organization struggles for the protection of the Spanish galgo and help shelters with adoption and money-raising.

Traditional Hunting Dogs Are Left to Die En Masse in Spain

Galgos are an ancient breed of hunting dog once raised exclusively by Spanish nobles. Today they must be one of the most abused dog breeds on the planet. Tens of thousands are killed in Spain every year, often in gruesome ways. Countless more are abandoned.

Survival Rate

75% Killed Every Year

Galgo, or the Spanish greyhound, is a dog breed that suffers from mass persecution. These dogs are used by Spanish hunters to chase hares and most of them are eliminated or abandoned at the end of hunting season.

Tragically, galgo handlers in Spain regard them as animals of second class and breed them only for the sake of hunting fun. As soon as hunting season is over, there is no need in dogs anymore and owners consider them useless and too costly to keep longer.

Reducing the Death Rate
Fortunately, there are shelters around the world that take care of galgos and provide them with food and medical help. Most of them owe their existence to charitable contributions of indifferent people.

More than 50,000 Galgos Are Gruesomely Killed Every Year.

Take Action Now!

Sign The Petition to Prevent These Cruel Practices

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